Payments in Mexico:
HSBC Bank Deposit or through Oxxo:
Name: Sergio Albarrán
Type of Card: Debit
Número de Tarjeta: 4213 1660 2336 8735
Account Number: 6446851846
CLABE Account: 0211 800 644 685 184 64
Credit Card
Mercado Pago (4% must be added to the total amount when paying by this method)
Stripe (4% must be added to the total amount when paying by this method)
Payments through PayPal: sergiogabriel.albarran [at]
Any payment via PayPal must be added 6% to the total amount of the purchase.
For international payments:
Payments through PayPal: sergiogabriel.albarran [at]
Any payment via PayPal must be added 6% to the total amount of the purchase.