Fortunately for those of us who love listening to music on CD, this week, but in the year 1982, Sony released the CDP-101, the first commercially available CD player on planet earth. What a gem right? Although it was priced quite high at the time, something like $730 (US dollars), technical reviews of the player noted that the left and right channels were out of sync by approximately 11 µs during playback, which was probably due to limitations of D/A converters back then. But that did not limit at all, that technology continued to progress and over time the way of playing CDs was polished.

The Digital Revolution
The CDP-101 ushered in the digital music revolution, which continues to impact the way we consume media today. Many started listening to their CDs on their portable players and others on players that had all the modules in one. And you, do you remember what was the first model you had as a CD player and what year did you buy it?